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Meet the team

Meet the Team

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Principals & Founders

Ingrid Haythorpe
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Simon Phemister PSM
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Dr Tahnya Donaghy
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Chris Eccles 2022_edited_edited.jpg
Chris Eccles AO

A former head of the Victorian, NSW and SA Premier and Cabinet departments, Chris has no peers when it comes to government leadership experience. His inimitable style and wisdom positions Chris to provide lessons and insights into how to make a positive, lasting impact as a public purpose leader.

The Hon. Jaala Pulford

As a former Victorian Labor Government Minister with carriage of nine portfolios over eight years, Jaala has a unique expertise and experience in understanding and providing insights into Ministerial drivers and the importance of political nous in public purpose leadership.

Ben Hubbard

Bringing his lengthy experience as one of Australia’s most senior political advisers, including as Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Gillard, Ben provides unique insights into the operating context of a Minister's office and what it takes to to work successfully with Ministers and their private office staff.

Andrew Jackomos PSM

Andrew is a proud Yorta Yorta/Gunditjmara man who for 40 years has been at the forefront of building connections between governments and First Peoples. Andrew brings a unique perspective on how public sector leaders can move beyond good intentions to delivering things that matter to Aboriginal people and communities.   

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